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A ‘buy button’ in the brain?

This ONE thing…

This ONE thing can change everything for you.

How come two different brands selling similar products have very different results?

We see clear examples of this all the time.

“Product A” and “Product B” have similar benefits, quality statements, and authority, but one sells many more units.

It’s easy to believe that something about the product itself is the reason for its performance.

The truth is a little different than that…

Good products and brands go out of business every day because they don’t master what’s most important (or they just don’t know what they need to master).

We’ve seen it time and time again with our clients who wonder why their premium product is not getting clicks or sales.

The good news is, when we make some simple changes, the results can dramatically change.

We struggled on the same path until we learned the surprising answer.

Let’s dive in.

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This Changes Everything…

So what is the unexpected answer we’re talking about?


It may sound too simple to be true, but the truth is that copywriting for marketing is one of the most underrated skills in the world.

Good copy means the difference between offers that make money and offers that lose money.

Good copy is the difference between a second vacation next year or another year of the corporate grind.

Most people do not invest the time, energy, or effort into their copywriting.

Many will admit that it’s important, but they miss the fact that is among the MOST IMPORTANT parts of their message and offer.

Whether it’s your product page, emails or ads,

GOOD copywriting can change everything.

We’re talking better sales, conversions, clicks, engagement, etc.

Even if you’re not great yet, as long as it has a purpose, it will make a profound difference.

How to Click the ‘Buy Button’ in someone’s brain

If you’re trying to influence someone to take an action (click, buy, share, etc.), you’re going to have to master the art of clicking the “Buy Button” inside your audience’s brain.

You will likely continue to refine this skill over your lifetime to be truly GREAT, but it’s time to accept your role as a “social scientist” and make a start.

The good news is, you don’t need a Doctorate in Psychology to make this work.

Almost anyone can write GOOD copy if they have the playbook, or in this case, a “framework.”

The simple framework for marketing copywriting that will get results

Bad Marketing Copy:

  • “This is what we sell”

  • “This is what it does”

  • “This is what it’s made of”

Good Marketing Copy:

  • “This is the problem you have”

  • “This is how our product can solve it”

  • “This is how we are different”

  • “This is why our brand is a good fit for you”

It’s a subtle shift in messaging, but this is the secret that people do not talk about.

If you ask and answer the right questions, the persuasive power of your copy changes dramatically.

Your copy makes ALL the difference in everything related to marketing.

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Let’s break the framework down with an example…

This is what we sell vs. this is the problem you have:

Brand A - We sell an all natural sleep supplement


Brand B - Are you tired of those restless nights staring at the ceiling, and waking up tired.

This is what it does vs. This is how our product can solve it:

Brand A - Our product helps you sleep


Brand B - Our science based PRODUCT NAME crafted with a harmonious blend of natural ingredients make you say goodbye to restless nights and embrace waking up refreshed and revitalized, ready to conquer the day without the risk of dependency.

This is what it’s made of vs. This is how we are different:

Brand A - Our product contains: Magnesium Glycinate, L-Theanine, GABA, Apigenin, Hops, and Valerian Root.


Brand B - PRODUCT NAME is all natural, non-habit forming and unlike other products on the market it is melatonin free so you will not build up a tolerance or risk dependency.

This is why our brand is a good fit for you:

Brand B -We personally witnessed how the lack of proper sleep can trigger a domino effect of unhealthy choices. When you're sleep-deprived, decision-making becomes impaired, leading to poor food choices, lack of exercise, and physical inactivity. You find yourself caught in a spiral of exhaustion, seeking unhealthy ways to find rest.

When you choose PRODUCT NAME, you become part of a thriving community of individuals who are committed to embracing the power of rest.

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Do you see the difference by just following a simple framework?

Again: If you ask and answer the right questions, the persuasive power of your copy changes dramatically.

Would you rather buy Brand A or Brand B’s product if you had trouble sleeping?

The facts are that people buy things because they want a solution to their problem or issue.

You buy gasoline so you can drive your car to the store.

You buy food so you do not starve.

Every purchase is the solution to something.

People also buy because of benefits.

The benefit of gasoline is that it makes your car run.

While people buy basic benefits, people fall over themselves to buy the benefit of the benefit.

You buy gasoline so your car will run AND you can drive to the store instead of walking.

“Not having to walk to the store" is the benefit of the benefit.

Keep this in mind the next time you start to write an email or better yet go read your product descriptions on your website right now.

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Is there room to improve your brand or business by using this framework?

Are you selling what your product is or the benefit of your product or even better yet, the benefit of the benefit?

Copy this framework so you can use it as a reference anytime you start to write copy so you can enjoy the benefit of higher conversion..

AND enjoy the “benefit of the benefit” of higher conversion, which is MORE money in your pocket!

Talk soon,

-Brent and Rush