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- Unlock Your Shopify GPS đźš—đź’¨
Unlock Your Shopify GPS đźš—đź’¨
Imagine you're in your car, stranded in Austin, Texas, and you've got to make it all the way to Atlanta, Georgia for a life-changing business event.
But hold on to your steering wheel, because you're without GPS, maps, or the luxury of asking for directions.
Sounds like a wild ride, right?
Well, guess what?
That's pretty much how 99% of Shopify Brand owners run their businesses. Yup, it's like driving blindfolded with one hand tied behind your back.
But fear not, brave marketer! We're here to shed some light on this dark highway of uncertainty.
Say hello to "Goal-Driven" marketing – the GPS for your brand's success.
It's like having a clear roadmap, minus the traffic jams and detours.
There is usually no clear path or DEFINED GOAL for everything we do as Brand owners (aka Marketers) on how to get someone to take the steps or actions that we want them to take.
However, Goal-Driven Marketing creates a very clear path for making all decisions on your brand.
As you discover your “Customer’s Journey” (More on this next week) and begin to understand it, you can become very tactical with your efforts.
So, what's the deal with Goal-Driven marketing, you ask?
It's simple – every move you make in your brand has a purpose, a mission, a goal.
Think of it as playing chess, but instead of pawns and knights, you've got Home Pages and Cart Pages.
Once you see this it will change the way you think about everything regarding marketing and sales for your Brand.
It will also make it more clear what you need to have or not have on each of the pages.
A Website’s True Purpose
Let's break it down, shall we?
Remember, you know every inch (or pixel in web speak) of your store. But your visitors don’t.
Most of them are new to it, some are coming back for the second or third time.
How do you get them to buy? By knowing what your pages jobs are!
Your Home Page's job? It's like the welcoming committee, ushering visitors to your Collection or Product Page.
And what about the Collection Page? Its mission is to seduce visitors into clicking on that juicy Product Page link.
And so on, and so forth, until you've guided your customers through the virtual aisles of your online store, straight to the checkout counter.
But here's the kicker – you don't need to overload your pages with bells and whistles.
Nope, just focus on what really matters – guiding your visitors to the next step in their journey. Keep it simple, keep it sleek, keep it irresistibly clickable.
It should Look like this:
Website Page Goals
•Home Page → Click Collections or Product Page
•Collections Page → Click Product Page
•Product Page → Click Add To Cart
•Cart → Click Checkout
•Checkout Page → Complete checkout (and go to Thank You Page)
See the journey?
Now you can see that the ONLY things you need on each page are the things that will make the visitor take the next step.
Do you really need the picture of the grand canyon on your homepage?
Now you KNOW that you do not need to try and “sell” visitors on the home page. You just need to get them to click to the Collection Page or Product Page.
Knowing this simple truth helps make your job easier because you can now focus on what REALLY matters on each page.
An Email’s True Purpose
Next let’s take a quick look at email…
The SOLE purpose of the Subject Line and Preview text is to get the email opened.
It's like the opening scene of a blockbuster movie – its sole job is to grab attention and leave your audience craving more.
Use Subject Lines that create curiosity or make people want to find out more.
And as for the email itself? All of the content itself should persuade your reader to continue reading and Click the CTA (Call to Action).
For example, the entire purpose of this email is to get you to check out Brent’s OnlyFans.
Well it’s not the only reason, but feel free to reply to this email to let us know what you think of his OnlyFans! (jk, but see what we did there to get an irresistible click?)
Email Goals
•Subject Line & Preview Text → Get Opened
•Email Content and Images → Keep Reading/ Click CTA
The email's job is to get opened and clicked THAT’S IT.
After they click, the page they go to takes over.
Do not over complicate this, and add automated ways to make money with email.
Lets KISS it. (Keep It Simple Stupid).
A Facebook Ads’ True Purpose
Hey, let's not forget about Facebook ads.
The purpose of the image or video in a Facebook ad is to get someone to STOP scrolling.
This is called a pattern interrupt, and we could chat about it all day… but let’s stick to the goals…
It's like a ninja stealthily grabbing your audience's attention as they scroll through their feed.
And the headline? It's the sneak peek that lures them in, while the ad copy seals the deal.
But remember, folks, the CTA is your golden ticket – it's the final push that transforms browsers into buyers.
Facebook Ad Goals
•Image/Video → Pattern Interrupt (stop the scroll)
•Headline Text → Desire to Read Ad Copy (text)
•Ad Copy → Builds Interest
•CTA → Click a button or Link
Maybe that button sends them to your homepage…. well, good thing you know the goal of your homepage!
So, there you have it – the secret sauce to marketing success.
The next marketing action you start to take, define the REAL purpose BEFORE you do.
Define your goals, map out your strategy, and watch your brand journey from Austin to Atlanta, one click at a time. Who needs a GPS when you've got Goal-Driven marketing, right? đźš—đź’¨
-Brent and Rush
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